Category: camera

Baseline functions found in latest camera

Photography is a broad term but in a nutshell it is an art of creating and capturing still or mobile objects. The process of photography involves capturing of live view or moment on any photo sensitive material like electromagnetic film strip. Today’s digital cameras are facilitated with advance storage options like Micro SD cards and more alike storage devices.

Lens plays an important role in all latest camera and digital cameras as it is solely responsible for capturing light patterns that get imprinted on storage devices.  digital camera

What functions are digital cameras facilitated with:-

All latest cameras are image imprinting devices i.e. they capture and form images. In analog digital cameras and semi digital cameras photographic films were recording mediums while in present time latest cameras the place of photographic films have been occupied by Micro SD cards and alike storing devices. Despite advancement in technology the basic underlining principles of camera have not changed they are very much same on which the very first camera got built i.e. controlling incoming light and maintaining a balance between incoming light and exposure time to create and capture image. When the required amount of light enters camera through lens then image gets formed on a film. The image formed on film is referred to as raw image and this raw image is developed to get the final image.

If we talk about movie capturing latest camera they are totally different set of cameras as the capture objects in motion. The fundamental ideology behind these cameras is that they used for capturing videos i.e. simply the data set is captured is series of frames without any time laps. These picture frames are also accomplished by voice over.
Controls available in cameras

To make sure that we get clean, clear and bespoken images all latest camera models are facilitated two control options manual control and automatic control. We will be discussing all major control in our continuation part of baseline functions found in digital camera.

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How to choose a digital camera- Part 2

We are back with our two part series on how to choose a digital camera. In a previous article, we discussed how to create a bottleneck for your needs when you are out in search of the camera.We also differentiated between analog and digital camera. Continuing with our write up notions in this article we will make you familiar with the difference between SLR latest camera and point and shoot camera.

digital camera

SLR latest camera and point and shoot camera

Point and shoot, camera work according to their name i.e. point and shoot. These cameras are simple cameras that capture desired objects when they are pointed towards that object now all you have to do is zoom in or zoom out camera lens as per demand of the shoot. These cameras require very less input in form of efforts at photographers end. Majority of camera models in this class comes with inbuilt auto controls that adjust scene composition with varying light conditions.

SLR digital camera (single lens reflex) is a complex gadget made for true photography professionals. DSLR and SLR leverage photos over all composition by giving photographers full manual control. Unlike point and shoot where you are entirely or partially at the mercy of technology running the camera in SLR you can adjust camera settings like shutter speed, aperture speed. You can also adjust their respective speeds separately. You can even use it like full-fledged point and shoot. There are few limitations that point and shoot are bound to, the bespoken one is you cannot mount or incorporate a lens well on the other hand, and in case of SLR digital camera, and these cameras are compatiblewith different interchangeable lenses. However, there is a limitation associated with these high-end devices lenses and camera need be manufactured product of same manufacturer. The other downside of these big mammoths is they weight more.

We are UK based online digital camera store offering latest camera at compatible prices. To know more about us and our camera price buster offers visit us at: –


How to choose a digital camera part 1

The digital world today offers lots of digital cameras and every day new once are been poured in the market. By just looking at cameras available in market it is impossible to decide which one to buy. Maximum number of people has confused while making a choice which digital camera to chose and which one to leave.
The underline fact is that people exactly don’t know which digital cameras exactly want to buy. Follow the steps below and find out how to pick best camera for you:-

Define your needs

1 Set your primary goal: – Why do you need a camera? The first thing is to be very clear in your mind before you are thinking of buying a camera. If photography is your hobby then you need a professional DSLR digital camera or SLR digital camera. If you only need a camera for the vacation snapshots, then any cheaper model will do the job.

digital camera

2 How many times you are supposed to use the camera: – Using of camera is another important thing. Sometime you buy a latest camera from the market which is very expensive and you only use it once in the year, its wastage of both money and resource. On other hand if you buy a cheap camera that does not cater your needs, it’s also wastage of both money and resource. It is recommended that one must choose a camera by defining his or her usage needs. Drawing a draft of your needs will help you in making smart selection.

digtal camera

3 Estimate your budget: – Budget must be a bit flexible, as flexible budget will help you in buying camera without making any compromise.


4 Analog or digital choice is you’re:-

Analog: – Analog cameras are cheap or base line low budget cameras based on technology of gone by days in contrast to digital camera that offer technology with modesty. Film cameras do not have issue like noise that frequently occurs in low range digital cameras. The down side of using these cameras is you have to pay more for developing film if you have taken lots of photos.

Digital: – The main advantage of digital camera resides in the technology that runs behind it the first and biggest one is the power to view picture instantly on its digital LCD display now you don’t have to waste money on the unwanted prints. Second one is its ease of operation especially for beginner because it has an auto function that can adjust automatically to the light or climate condition. You can also print and edit your picture as and when you want.

We are UK based online digital camera store offering latest camera at compatible prices. To know more about us and our camera price buster offers visit us at: –

Characteristics of low budget latest camera

In search for cheap reliable low budget digital camera but confused how to buy a one. While making a purchase for latest camera few things need to be kept in mind these are the features incorporated in digital camera the one you wish to buy. How good or bad a product is depends on the features it inherits.

Following below is list of some seek able features that one must pay attention while purchasing a latest camera:-digital camera

Sensors: – If we talk on reality grounds the best sensors are found in high end DSLR and SLR digital cameras, It’s not so that point and shoot cameras are supplied with inferior sensors. Due to high care/ maintenance and high budget not everyone can afford to purchase a DSLR or SLR camera for himself or herself. There are cameras in the point and shoot range that have low noise sensors producing results better than average especially back lit sensors.

ISO: – The term ISO is synonymous to reel speed in old film cameras. The simple and straight definition of ISO is the measure of light sensitivity. To capture a good image in low light conditions all you need is high ISO sensitivity. Using higher ISO can result in more noise in image captured; noise can be reduced only with the help of good sensor present in digital camera. It is advisable that you must select a camera with reasonable ISO, 800 ISO is considered to be an ideal one.

Optical image stabilizer: – Image stabilizers role come into play to help reduce blurring effect produced due small inadvertent movements basically caused due hand shaking. Prolonged shutter speed also sometimes results in blurring effect.

Good sensor a moderate ISO and optical image stabilizer are tri defenders helping you to capture perfect shoot from digital camera. These are noticeable factors need to be look around while purchasing a latest camera.

Canon’s latest camera

Canon has revamped SX210 Power shot series digital camera and re launched it as SX230 HS. The all new PowerShot SX230 HS is categorized under travel zoom digital cameras with GPS enable features. It has a zooming capacity of 14X with lens radius of 28-392 mm, the camera comes with anti shake image stabilizer and last not least to mention 12.1 MP CMOS sensor. At the present time nearly all latest cameras are supplied with 3 inch LCD display and the case of SX230 is no different. SX230 HS comes with bright 3 inch LCD display with the 460K colour display
This was a brief overview of what this camera is all about now we will dive somewhat deep down to discover as to why you need SLR digital camera? First let’s continue with our camera review, canon has made some major visible changes in SX230 HS that differ it from SX210 the very first one is incorporation of DIGIC 4 engines. The DIGIC 4 engine synchronies with the CMOS sensor to produce high quality images with fast thread execution. The second major change made with this camera is increase in its capability of producing HD videos at 1080p. The welcome screen is built with easy navigation thus making it easy for bingers to handle this camera. The third and most important feature that makes it stand elite is the incorporation of built in GPS system with hundreds and thousands of saved locations and maps.
Canon has not experimented much with its looks the looks of this camera are much closer to its predecessor SX210, but on operational grounds and tech specification both are entirely different. On technical grounds this is the only major difference between SX230 and SX220 rest all tech specifications are same. At present this camera comes with a price tag of £299 i.e. Around 350 USD and it is available in three colors pink, blue and black.

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nikon cool pix L610

Nikon unveils its latest compact digital camera Coolpix L610

These days camera world is flaunting like never before with launch of new models each day. All major camera manufacturers just want to move with notion of saying “the winner takes it all” a recent trend shows how camera manufacturers have shifted their focus from manufacturing high end digital cameras to compact digital cameras. This segment of market has shown substantial growth as all most not every once pocket allow them to afford highly sophisticated digital gizmo, but at the same time buying a compact digital camera just makes some cool pix L610

Today launching a product has just become linger in lieu; some are able to make their name while others just diminish in this world of technology. Nikon has unveiled its entry level compact digital camera Nikon Coolpix L610. With Coolpix L610 Nikon is all set to top shooters league with high end zooming (14X optical zooming) that too with 25 to 350 mm focal length. This gadget unlike its competitor gadgets is simple to operate.

This model is newest in Nikon’s L-series with widest range of features presently available in any other camera in this class. Simplicity is its beauty; users can capture picturesque images with stunning quality without banging their heads understanding how to use this gadget. Be it day or night its CMOS sensor builds 16-million pixels thus allowing you to achieve superior most image quality. This geeks toy comes back packed with lens shift vibration reduction technology to minimize noise ratio in image in addition to (VR) lens-shift vibration reduction it also comes back packed with Target Finder (AF). You as a photographer just need to focus cameras lens on desired object that needs to shoot and leave rest on your buddy (Coolpix L610). It supports full HD video. The camera is supported by more than half a dozen shooting modes from portrait to landscape to night portrait to night landscape to close-up to backlighting it has all. And to add to your surprise it can be powered by AA batteries produced by different manufacturers best recommended for travelers.  For more detail about the camera discounts offered buy the various manufactures or more camera review visit our camera price buster at here

Mirrorless interchangeable new generation digital cameras to redefine photography passion

If we look at the rule of digital photography, digital photograph was supposed to be proportional to physical dimensions of camera. But when we talk about new generation mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras they have completely outlawed this typecast. The creators of first generation mirrorless camera are Olympus and Panasonic use micro four third system. Use of micro four third systems has resulted in smaller, lighter cameras with sensor that can be compared with sensor found in DSLR cameras. As soon as these cameras got launched in market it drew attention of other manufacturers. Sony was the second one to innovate this product with launch of its NEX series of cameras. Two great things that Sony managed to do with this camera were reduce its size when compared with DSLR and incorporate big sized sensor that further give two benefits one better image quality both while capturing images and recording videos in HD format with autofocus. The tech trend continued as this technology got adapted by other camera manufacturers. After Sony and Nikon rolled out their series of mirrorless cameras the next one to join the league was Fujifilm and last but not late Canon to joined the league of mirrorless camera manufacturers with its EOS M series.

With so much buzzing about these gadgets there are some down sides associated with these gadgets? If you are a starter than this camera is exactly not the one crafted for you as not to many lens options are available and lenses that are available are to costly. As the battle has got heated up to capture this segment of market near future will witness innovative and low cost cameras in this segment.

Where these cameras make a break through? The very first break through is in its sensor technology, when mirrorless interchangeable digital cameras are compared DSLRs, DSLRs to very complex gadgets with big sensor and sophisticated technology that is needed to run these gadgets. All these things make them look like a large mammoth in contrast to compact cameras. The interchangeable mirrorless cameras use sensor of APS-C class, sensor of this class doesn’t use mirror and viewfinder thus reducing both size and weight of this camera. The second break through is made in lens, lenses used in mirror less interchangeable are large when compared with compact digital cameras. Big lens size allows cameras sensor to capture sharp and crisp images. A draw back as discussed above is that all lenses are not in any way compatible with other DSLR lenses because every manufacturer use their own proprietary mounts.

In nutshell these camera are near futuristic gadgets, with day in day out changing technology these gadgets promise to revolutionize photography experience.

For more information about Mirrorless interchangeable digital camera visit us

BenQ unveils new digital camera GH200

Source:- camera

In present scenario not every company is able to sustain the mounting pressure of successfully launching a new product and at the same time not every company has the potential to cater people with diverse array of products. When you hear the name BenQ the very first thing that strikes your mind is monitors and projecting devices.  How many of you are aware about BenQ’s product range except monitors and projectors? Well only a hand few of you might be aware but the company offers far more beyond this, BenQ has pipe lined an illustrious range of digital cameras and camcorders in its product catalog. Company has recently launched BenQ GH200 14 megapixel digital camera to strengthen its market share. The camera has undergone several rounds of benchmark testing for several weeks before it was officially released.

The BenQ GH 200 has not made any break through as its looks are almost similar as that of already selling digital cameras. It has black plastic body with gun metal finished chrome trims with conventional power and zoom toggling buttons. The camera is mainly controlled through 2.7 inches LCD display; you can capture stunning shoots and view them here in LCD display. The main menu button is circularly surrounded click wheel. Conventionally it is seen most digital cameras offer four short cuts on circular wheel but BenQ GH 200 has just two short cuts. The first shortcut at top lets you toggle between different options while the second one at bottom helps you to switch flash on or off or set timer for flash. Controlling this gadget is a bit tedious task as controls are not wisely designed lots of misconception occurs and at times you may find struggling with options. There is a category among photographers who prefer all auto controls for such kind of gizmo geeks BenQ has created simple menu interface with simple options.

BenQ digital camera GH200 Processor responds slowly especially to those pictures which are shoot in low light conditions with lot of grainy effects. This camera on the other hand captures reasonably above average images when taken in normal light conditions. As stated above processor responds a bit slow with prolongation BenQ GH 200 has 12.5x optical zooming lens that responds decently in normal conditions. Image stabilizer is provided in it by default but its results is not that good it’s recommended that you can opt buying Samsungs PL210 a great camera in same budget with two image stabilizers. It’s made for amateurs and absolute beginners how ever it’s not recommended for professionals.

Samsung launches MV 900F Wi-Fi enable compact

Market innovator, market leader and world leading consumer electronic brand Samsung has recently launched MV900F digital camera after rounds or prototyping and first look consumer preview. This gizmo gadget is pipelined in Samsungs Wi-Fi enabled series. After enormous success of Samsungs MV800, MV900F promises to enhance and take users photography experience a step further. It’s a complete feature rich camera with Samsungs cutting edge innovative 180-degree display makes capturing and sharing easy. Its rotation display gives you freedom of flexibility that to with Samsungs exclusive gesture shoot, gesture shoot comes with motion sensor technology, thus allowing user to capture shake free photos.

Samsungs advance features have made MV900F a market leader with Wi-Fi connectivity feature in compact digital camera market. Its lens comes with F2.5 sharp crisp brightness; you can capture and view every tiny little details of photograph even taken in lowest lit environment. Next feature after F2.5 bright lens is powerful 16.3 Mega Pixels that to with BSI and CMOS sensor generating great quality pictures and videos. Its lens width is 25mm that allows you to capture full framed images. MV900F is dynamic high performing gadget challenging vertical limits; it has pre built 5X optical zooming thus making it easy to capture distant objects with point precession.

Style is unbeatable and complements its performance thus making it hot and ideal pick camera in town- night or day it will capture mind blowing videos and photos for you that are beyond words. In today’s fast moving world where every thing is just at click of instance MV900 redefines your sharing experience sharing is just two step process click and share. It’s the very first one in its category to come with pre built Wi-Fi technology, you can instantly connect to internet and upload images and videos you have captured to your favorite social sharing website like 500px, Flicker, Picasa web, Photobucket, Vimeo and Youtube. All this is done with smart link button provided in this camera an alternate to smart button is provided in its navigation touch screen. One thing that is best about Samsung gadgets is there inter compatibility, MV900F has lucid interface that depicts to peculiar Samsung line of gadgets like Samsungs smart TV, Bul-ray player mobile and PC gadgets.

Samsung has always come with promising innovations and MV900F is one of them. Its price varies from continent to continent yet you hold a chance to buy it at most competitive price from camera price buster.

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Find digital camera accessories in our camera world

Today’s camera world offer lots of possibility to digital camera owners. Today market is flooded with vide variety accessories, you can choose accessories as per your choice. Some accessories are necessary while others are optional. Want to buy digital camera or have one and want to know more about camera accessories then you have landed at right place. In this article we will discuss about accessories that are must and that are optional and why you should buy them.  

First of all let’s talk about accessories that are must for every digital camera owner, the very first one is battery charger. Battery is life line of camera and that makes battery charger absolute necessity as without battery charger battery can not power camera and your camera will not function so each of the three components are equally proportional to each other. If you are new digital camera owner then you will get charger along with your gadget, if not make sure you enquire shop keeper about accessories that you will get with camera as these gadgets accessories are quite expensive. Second most important accessory that is must after battery charger is battery it self, large volume of people usually prefer purchase battery when there old battery dies and they practice this in regular fashion if and when required but we want to make a suggestion over here its ideal idea to purchase a set of battery in advance such that if your one battery goes down you plug in the second one.

After battery and battery charger the third most important accessory that is must for digital camera owner is memory card. Not all but some camera manufacturers give memory card as accessory with digital camera; if you don’t get memory card as accessory with camera you need to purchase it additionally. A memory card is external storage device that gives you freedom to store ample amount of photos. You can transfer your photos to mobile devices and computer via memory card.

Now after three must accessories now we will talk about optional accessories the very first optional accessory that we will recommend to you is camera case, camera case protect your gadget from external tampering or damage like moisture, dust and shocks. Apart from protecting camera it helps you in holding the camera. Next accessories that are optional for camera owner are digital photograph printers, tripods, flash attachments, and lens filters.

Now you can make smart choice what is must and what are optional choices for you as a digital camera owner.

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